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Bine ati venit / Welcome

I am an old fan of painters, perhaps improperly called naive, because the real naive differ from the "counterfeit" not so much by the technique used, but by the perspective on the world they transpose on canvas, by the candor of the vision of the universe, by the stories they reconstruct grain by grain, through the richness of details and the lushness of personal values.


Sunt un vechi impatimit al pictorilor, poate impropriu zis, numiti naivi, pentru ca adevaratii naivi se deosebesc de cei "contrafacuti" nu atat prin tehnica folosita, ci prin perspectiva asupra lumii pe care o transpun pe panza, prin candoarea viziunii supra universului, prin povestile pe care le reconstituie bob cu bob, prin bogatia detaliilor si prin luxurianta valorilor personale.

- Ion Caramitru - former Minister of Culture

Meet the Artists

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Whats App:  0044-77-22-120-879

For orders or information regarding the presented images, please access the Contact page.


Pentru comenzi sau informatii referitoare la imaginile prezentate, va rugam sa accesati pagina de Contact. 

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Cookies and Privacy Statement

As you may be aware, the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into effect on the 25th May 2018. To help Arta Naiva Ciobanu to comply with these regulations a new privacy statement has been placed on this website.

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